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Tantra lærer og sexolog

Tantra lærer og sexolog

20 års erfaring og utviklet flere sexologiske modaliteter

Marte Andersen Jacobsen har lang erfaring innenfor Sexologi og embodiment og tantra. Hun 20 år års erfaring innfor fagfeltene. Hun har sexologi utdannelse fra ulike universiteter og har egen privatpraksis som hun har hatt i over 10 år. Hun jobber til daglig på Institutt for sexologi AS som sexolog. Hun har flere andre utdannelser også, blant annet innen hypnose, akupunktur, tantrisk massasje og ulike yoga og tantra utdannelser. Hun er lidenskapelig opptatt av metoder innenfor sexologi og hun har utviklet en rekke behandlingsmetoder innenfor faget. Hun er også grunnleggeren bak fargemodellen som ble utviklet når hun trengte et verktøy for å forklare seksualitet på en enkel og profesjonell måte. Marte er grunnleggeren bak Oslo Sexebrate festival.

Hvilke workshop og tempel skal jeg ha?

|Sexebrate Introduksjons workshop

"Innføring i Sexebrate" er en obligatorisk workshop for å maksimere ditt utbytte av festivalen. Vi vil forklare hva Sexebrate er, og vi vil også dekke consent/samtykke. I en trygg setting får du muligheten til å gjøre feil, øve deg og eksperimentere med dine egne grenser og tydelighet. Gjennom samtaler, øvelser og lek vil vi utforske temaene som omhandles i "fargemodellen" og øke bevisstheten om de ulike nyansene i modellen.

|Sexebrate Desire Tempel

In this temple, all your desires can come true!

First, we introduce the color model where you can get in touch with your own intimacy and find new nuances in your sexuality. 

Then we create a sacred circle where you can wish to explore what you want. You can make a wish to experience any of the different tastes of sexuality, including safe holding, sensuality, tantra, BDSM, kink, energetic meetings, and playfulness. Maybe you want to receive a touch from someone or maybe you want to give someone the touch they ask for. Maybe you want to take a new step and challenge yourself and see new sides of your sexuality. Here you can do as much or as little as you want, within a sacred & safe structure, set limits, consent, and agreement. 

We will have emotional support available who will be available for support or just present in the temple.

We welcome you to an experience where your desires can come true!

|Sexebrate Magic Tempel

Welcome to a magical workshop with an abundance of sensory experiences!

In this temple, you can explore your sexuality with the help of different colors.

By using the color model, you can get in touch with your own intimacy and find new nuances in your sexuality. But not only in your own, but also in those around you.

Here you’ll have the opportunity to explore and feel different tastes of sexuality, including sensuality, tantra, BDSM, kink, and playfulness.

Maybe you want to discover new sides of yourself. Maybe you want to take a new step and challenge yourself and see new sides of your sexuality. Maybe you want to create new connections, acquaintances, or relationships. Maybe the afternoon also brings something unexpected and exciting. Here you can do as much or as little as you want, within set limits, consent, and agreement.

Here you can do as much or as little as you want, within set limits, consent, and agreement. 

We welcome you to a sensual experience

We will also have two angels to support you and the ceremonies in the temple.

|Sexebrate Massage

In this workshop, we are going to give each other a massage following the energy of the different colors. It's going to give you a lot of ideas on how to ignite and attend to someone else's pleasure.

We are going to see : 

How to be present for someone? How to give someone a very very special moment indeed?

I'm going to guide you on a journey through 9 different energies and landscapes of the colors of the Sexebrate festival.  

Each color has its very special vibration and energy. And I will map out this journey following each of them, giving you propositions of things to do to your partner. It's going to span from massage, caresses, and roleplay, to full improvisation of touch. There will be more of a focus on the energy of those practices rather than on the technique per se.  

We are going to delve into how it feels to give this very nice time to the other and how it feels to receive it. Really staying attentive, listening to your limits, and simultaneously to your pleasure.

We are going to explore in different order the following colors : 

Green : the color of love, of full compassion and devotion, of softness, tenderness

Red : the color of the flesh, the primal, the firm

Orange : the color of pleasure of juiciness

Yellow : the color of confidence, self-esteem, how it is how to own your sexuality

Blue: the color of communication and sounding

Purple : the color of the energy and polarity subtlety. How can you play with subtlety?

White: the color of meditative state

Black: How can we get in contact with some hidden aspect in us

Grey : How can we welcome negative feeling when it comes to massage

This workshop is  

a 4 on a scale..

Bring some massage oil and a sarong or a large towel to cover the mattress.

|Alt om fargemodellen

Denne workshopen kan du stille spørsmål og forstå ulike side av fargemodellen. Vi vil leke oss igjennom fargene. Å lære alle nyansene


Professor Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo, Norge, Norway

05. til 07. SEPTEMBER

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